
Work packages

Through eleven work packages, ForestNavigator ensures all project objectives are achieved. The individual work packages collaborate closely to ultimately establish the ForestNavigator Decision-Making platform.

Policy pathways towards EU climate neutrality

Stakeholder outreach and engagement

Lead Partner: BOKU

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WP 1 developed and uses a multilayered stakeholder engagement strategy through which we collect and analyse EU and national level stakeholders needs and inform on forest policy pathways. The stakeholder engagement includes:

  • The Stakeholder Board;
  • The Policy Steering Committee, an advisory board of policy makers;
  • The “EU Forest Policy Modelling Forum”, a community of modellers and policy makers.

Data fusion for monitoring and modelling of forest carbon and biodiversity

Lead Partner: GFZ

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WP2 generates state-of-the-art and continuously updated integrated data streams, which is the starting point for greenhouse gases inventories and forward-looking models.

This work involves the:

  • Development of an EU-wide forest geodatabase;
  • Integration of remote sensing products, field data and statistics for assessing EU forest carbon stock status and change;
  • Provision of a near real-time yearly updates of forest coverage and disturbances;
  • Enhancement quality and frequency of greenhouse gas inventory reporting.

Understanding forest dynamics under climate change

Lead Partner: BOKU

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WP3 develops biophysical models to:

  • Screen, develop and select forest management strategies for adaptation and mitigation in EU forests;
  • Model forest growth and carbon sequestration under environmental change;
  • Model natural disturbances and their effects on forest carbon stocks;
  • Assess the carbon sequestration potential from afforestation, restoration and forest management.

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Lead Partner: LMU

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WP4 assesses impacts of mitigation and adaptation strategies on climate regulation, biodiversity and ecosystem services, by:

  • Modeling the impact of forest management strategies and environmental change on biodiversity;
  • Including local climate regulation feedback dynamics from afforestation and forest management through Earth Systems models;
  • Enhancing  the modelling of costs for forest management and green jobs;
  • Creating a framework for evaluating monetary values for recreational and cultural forest services.

Harvested wood products and bioeconomy

Lead Partner: UHE

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WP5 focuses on demands from the bioeconomy and their mitigation potentials by quantifying the following:

  • Scenarios of future biomass demands for materials and energy;
  • Harvested wood products biogenic emissions and removals;
  • Substitution marginal impacts for materials and energy;
  • Green growth and employment.

Policy Modeling Toolbox

Lead Partner: IIASA

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WP6 develops an integrated modelling toolbox for impact assessment of forest-based climate mitigation pathways, through the:

  • Development of the next generation forest policy models, which integrate climate change and natural disturbances and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services;
  • Alignment of EU and national models;
  • Quantification of an EU and national forest sector baseline scenario;
  • Development of economy-wide cross-sectoral modelling of forest-based mitigation options.

Exploratory Scenarios on the role of EU forests in carbon neutrality

Lead Partner: IIASA

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WP7 explores a set of climate mitigation pathways for the EU forest sector, which:

  • Evaluate and quantify pathways for alternative carbon sequestration in forests and wood products;
  • Evaluate and quantify pathways showing synergies with biodiversity and sustainability goals;
  • Evaluate and quantify pathways considering adaptations to enhance permanent carbon stocks;
  • Evaluate EU pathways in the global context by considering trade partners objectives;
  • Develop methods to assess the robustness across the exploratory pathways.

Policy pathways and their implementation

Lead Partner: IEEP

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WP8 aligns climate mitigation pathways with policy targets, through:

  • Setting a policy reference scenario;
  • Developing integrated EU and national pathways towards medium and long-term policy goals;
  • Setting up procedures for near real-time update of modelling and pathways timely corrections;
  • Providing guidance for the implementation of forest policy pathways towards climate neutrality.

ForestNavigator Portal

Lead Partner: CA

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WP9 develops a web portal to ensure effective dissemination of project results to target stakeholders by:

  • Designing and building the technical infrastructure behind the portal;
  • Implementing and documenting the databases and models used by the consortium on the portal;
  • Co-designing, collecting feedback and refining web-based services for an interactive exploration of data and policy-relevant pathways.

Outreach and dissemination

Lead Partner: ARTTIC

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WP10, based on its communication and dissemination strategy,  coordinates the project´s communication and dissemination activities, which:

  • Provides the consortium and stakeholders with high-quality communication materials;
  • Leads communication of the ForestNavigator project and dissemination of its results;
  • Supports exploitation planning and sustainable impact.

Coordination and management

Lead Partner: IIASA

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WP11 provides an effective management framework for the consortium, to ensure:

  • The achievement of project objectives and contractual commitments;
  • Coordination of activities with other relevant projects.