ForestNavigator Portal

All major data and model advancements generated during the project lifetime will be hosted on the ForestNavigator portal. The Portal will include the following operational components:


The Data Repository will host the datasets produced by ForestNavigator;


The Model Repository will host software codes and documentation for models developed in the Policy Modelling Toolbox;


The Computing Module will allow the ForestNavigator modelling teams to collaborate;


The Forest Data Explorer will visualise spatially explicit datasets providing high-resolution information linked to forest adaptation and mitigation potentials;


The Forest Pathways Explorer will visualise alternative pathways for the EU and the member states forests with associated socioeconomic and environmental performances.

The beta version of the Data and Pathways Explorers will be online in 2025. Further details will be communicated through our Newsletter and a link to the portal will be available here.

Navigating European Forests and forest bioeconomy sustainably to EU climate neutrality