
ForestNavigator is commited to provide open access to data used for its modelling. Datasets will be made publicly available through the project´s lifetime.



Link to ForestNavigator GitLab datasets.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D5.1 Market scenarios for selected material uses of wood and bioenergy in the EU

D5.1 creates plausible scenarios and projections for selected material uses of wood (construction and textile fibres), as well as bioenergy and biofuels. The deliverable follows complementary approaches, including partial equilibrium modelling (PRIMES and GLOBIOM) and elicitation of expert views. The market scenarios feed into the quantification of climate change mitigation potential and socio-economic effects (WP 5), as well as into broader analysis of synergies and trade-offs between forest ecosystem services (WP 6-7).

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D4.2 Report on socioeconomic variables

This report presents the collection of socioeconomic indicators to be tested in different analyses and modelling to assess employment opportunity, profitability of wood provisioning, and monetary values for recreational and cultural services. The list is selected based on existing studies and the models used in ForestNavigator. These indicators are categorized according to the main societal or economic aspects they cover. Attention is given to describing the planned use of each indicator, including spatial and temporal resolution, data sources, as well as adaptation needs to make the indicators operational within the modelling framework.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D4.1 Report on the advanced biodiversity modelling framework

This report outlines the modelling framework to assess impacts of forest-based climate change mitigation pathways on forest biodiversity. It describes all included data sources, the data pre-processing, and outlines the individual modelling steps. Furthermore, it introduces the indicators used to quantify biodiversity.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D3.1 Alternative forest management systems

This report presents a comprehensive database of forest management (FM) practices in the EU 27. Both current FM practices (curFM) and future alternatives (altFM), crucial for shaping forest policy pathways, for major forest types are covered. The altFMs consider measures addressing adaptation to climate change and evolving demands for ecosystem services, including forest biomass supply, biodiversity conservation and multifunctionality. This open access database emphasizes FM parameters valuable for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers involved in forest management decision-making.
The database combined various sources, including national guidelines, previous research projects, scientific literature, and experts’ opinion. The use of standardized terminology and machine-readable attributes make it easy to use in forest simulation model parametrization.
This Version 1 of the Adapt4Model database will be refined throughout the ForestNavigator project’s duration.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D9.1 Concept of the ForestNavigator Portal

This report presents the conceptualization of the ForestNavigator portal and its components, namely the “Data Repository”, “Model Repository” and “Computing module”. These three components (together referred to as the platform) will host the data, models, and source codes from the ForestNavigator project, as well as workflows for data processing and model deployment. This platform will allow ForestNavigator researchers and external researchers to interoperate shared data and models, to reduce modelling cycles, and to increase the outreach of the project.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D10.2 Communication materials and tools

This report describes the complete set of communication materials and tools for the ForestNavigator project, including the public website (V1.0). The tools will support the communication activities to raise the awareness among the general public, to reach out to the main stakeholder groups of the project and widely distribute project results to different target audiences.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

D1.1 Report on stakeholder mapping and internal stakeholder database

Deliverable D1.1 of the Horizon Europe ForestNavigator project presents the report on stakeholder mapping and internal stakeholder database. The report describes the mapping process and outcomes as well as the dynamic internal stakeholder database. ForestNavigator identifies and maps stakeholders from the sub-national to the international scale based on a set of characteristics, such as stakeholder category, geographical scope, and sociodemographic factors. The aim of the mapping process is to provide a comprehensive and diverse stakeholder base for stakeholder engagement activities throughout the project. The report further describes the dynamic stakeholder database, which will be updated throughout the project lifetime.

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ForestNavigator Project Video

ForestNavigator Project Video

ForestNavigator coordinator Dr. Fulvio Di Fulvio explains how the project helps to navigate European forests and bioeconomies sustainably towards EU climate neutrality.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

4th Policy Steering Committee Meeting April 2024

ForestNavigator researchers provided updates on the Adapt4Model database, biophysical modeling developments, and G4M-X biodiversity modelling. Six members of the Policy Steering Committee (PSC) provided detailed feedback on this work and discussed how ForestNavigator could contribute to support the Forest Monitoring Framework legislation currently in development.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

3rd Policy Steering Committee Meeting Sept. 2023

During the annual ForestNavigator consortium meeting, members of the Policy Steering Committee (PSC) gave an update on important forestry policy developments at the EU level, and in two of the ForestNavigator case study countries Ireland and Sweden. They also provided relevant feedback for ForestNavigator work discussed during the annual consortium meeting.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

2nd Policy Steering Committee Meeting April 2023

Key outputs of the project were presented to the PSC. First, the consortium aims to fill data gaps for EU-wide forest monitoring and modeling. The forest monitoring data and layers to be included in the first version of the EU forest geodatabase, should be consistent across the EU, spatially distributed and high-resolution, timely, comprehensive, and transparent.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

1st Policy Steering Committee Meeting October 2022

During the kickoff meeting of the ForestNavigator project, PSC members gave their reflection of the state of the forest policy and emerging challenges at the EU level and two of the ForestNavigator case study countries (Czechia and Ireland). They also listed key aspects of how ForestNavigator could help the policy dialogue and some recommendations.

Predicting Future Trends of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport to Global River Systems

1st Stakeholder Workshop June 2023

This workshop report summarizes the key findings and insights from the first ForestNavigator stakeholder workshop. The first workshop of a series brought together stakeholders from various fields and consortium members, establishing a key stakeholder group for the project.