Jan 2, 2025
This report outlines the rationale and objectives of the FPMF, reviews EU and MS participation during the project’s initial phase, provides insights from the first FPMF meeting in September 2024, and presents next steps to strengthen collaboration for informed forest policy-making across the EU.
Jan 2, 2025
This interim report provides a comprehensive overview of stakeholder engagement activities with the project’s Stakeholder Board, thus far. This focuses on the first stakeholder workshop, held in June 2023, and the second in September 2024. Experts from various forest-relevant fields were invited to interact with ForestNavigator research and researchers during thematic stakeholder engagement workshops.
Dec 13, 2024
The deliverable content focuses on the ForestNavigator EU Policy Modelling Toolbox, which aims to address the interactions between climate, biodiversity, and bioeconomy. Here, we outline the concept of the toolbox, which is centered around the land-use economic model GLOBIOM/G4M-X and includes cross-sectoral interactions with the energy sector via the PRIMES model and to the broader macroeconomy with the linkage to the MAGNET model. The Toolbox also considers climate change impacts, ecosystem services, and biodiversity indicators, and outlines the model integration approach and deployment strategy for the project.
Dec 13, 2024
This deliverable quantifies the substitution impacts of wood use by comparing wood products to alternative materials or energy products. It follows both supply-oriented and demand-oriented approaches to trace wood uses and determine substitution impacts for specific end uses like construction and textiles. This deliverable complements the quantification of biogenic emissions and removals in the harvested wood product (HWP) pool (D5.2) and the land-use sector.
Nov 4, 2024
This deliverable describes the cooperation framework that the ForestNavigator project partners employ to collaborate with other Horizon Europe projects. This report describes the activities carried out for coordinating with other projects funded under the same call and other relevant ones. This report also gives a summary of the ForestNavigator work that contributes to the assignments from EC DGs.
Nov 4, 2024
The ForestNavigator project aids EU and national policymakers by creating policy pathways with medium and long-term climate goals. To ensure its output meets the need of these policy makers, the project engages with key EU and member state stakeholders including policymakers from the national case studies (Ireland, Italy, Sweden, and the Czech Republic) in the Policy Steering Committee. This Committee steers the project relevance by providing updates on policy context, advising on outputs, and offering detailed feedback. Through biannual meetings and newsletters, the PSC members stay informed and provide feedback on project output. This report summarizes PSC meetings and 1:1 collaboration, highlighting their crucial input to the ForestNavigator consortium.